Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of

What information do we collect? currently collect three kinds of information from visitors to this website: information contained in emails sent via the website, site usage information from cookies and log files and information contained in completed on-line forms.

  • E-mails

If you send an email asking for information, we may need to contact other departments to find that information. If your question is technical, we may need to pass it to our technology suppliers. We do not pass on any of your personal information when dealing with your enquiry, unless you have given us permission to do so.

  • Site usage information website, like most major websites, uses browser cookies (known as ‘session’ and ‘persistent’ cookies) for improved website functionality and the statistical recording of visitor activity (cookies cannot identify individuals) to inform ongoing improvements.

Information about ‘cookies’ (text-only string of information) and visitor options can be found online at the Interactive Advertising Bureau (

  • On-line forms

If you choose to complete any of our on-line forms, we will not pass the information on to any other parties except where required to carry out our normal duties and functions.

All our employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data are obliged to respect the confidentiality of website visitors’ personal data.


What happens when I link to another site?

This website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy applies only to our site, so you should always be aware when you are moving to another site and read the privacy statement of any site which collects personal information. We do not pass on any personal information you have given us to any other site.